Eva Engman, Reiki & Sound
Eva Engman, Reiki & Sound
Reiki Master, Certified Sound Healing Practitioner
Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. (A Einstein)
And is it ever!!!!
I work with Reiki and sound vibrations and I know how effective it is.
Often I actually wonder who get the most out of a session, the client or the practitioner.
But that's the magic of it, energy is there for us all. It's quantum physics, it's not "woo woo".
I know all this, I have been doing distance Reiki the last few days, for someone very dear to me,
and also her family and the medical team. Holding space for my soul sister I love so very much.
I Reiki my plants, although I must have crossed my energies with my ivy, who is not happy :-)
Or it could have been a simple misjudgment of the amount of water. I'll forgive myself and try to make that plant happier.
What I really want to share with you today is something I hadn't realized would be so effective.
I have not wanted to get a flu shot before, for different reasons. But with the pandemic and COVID vaccines,
and also because my love got it and I want him to feel at ease, I decided to get it. And it's free so why not!
I have been concerned with side effects, and I saw them with my love, both flu symptoms and a sore arm.
Well, I got my paper work, sat down in the drugstore behind a screen to wait,
and I proceeded to Reiki the place, the situation and myself,
And when it arrived, both the flu vaccine, and the woman administering it. Even the band aid got some REIKI :-)
You know what?
I felt nothing.. not the needle, not any flu symptoms, and the arm doesn't even know it had a needle in it yesterday!
I love it!
By the way, I am available for Reiki sessions.
and I can do it in-person with safety regulations in place, or I can share distance Reiki..
Distance REIKI rocks, and maybe after this little story you may want to call me
before you get your second COVID vaccine, the one most seem to have a reaction too.
I would love to hear from you.
May you walk in beauty/ Eva