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Making us whole again.

Dear Vibrational Beings,

It's been all too long time since I wrote in this blog.

A time of finding the Path.

I have been so blessed to share Sonic Soaks in Karlskoga, Sweden.

The amazing energies of people coming together to vibrate in unison..separately yet together . And how different every time is, depending on who is there and what they need. I must say a large Thank you, to the Vikings who showed up, not one cancelled,

even in a great snowfall, it would have been called a "blizzard" here in New York. :-)

Not having access to a car I was the one who almost didn't make it.

It was however a great opportunity in how to remain calm and enjoy the Moment.

Waiting for the local bus, was extremely beautiful, huge snowflakes covering me, and I kept sounding and singing in order stay calm and ready to be a healer.

The sound soaring in the white stillness was quite cool and the effect on my nervous system strong.

The stress of having no buses show up never being allowed to enter..

I made it.. .. the beautiful participants helped me set up .. and...

It was a beautiful Soak...

I will add a photo today. "Explosion" by Paige Bradley.

This is the story how this beautiful art work came to be :

Reading this I felt compelled to write the words above.

Isn't that what my work is about?

Helping to heal and make life more beautiful.

I feel like that statue .

I have been broken asunder and been put together again with a light from within

We all have experiences like that and what is, to use an over used word, awesome,

is to experience the light I see in my clients after a sonic soak or a private session of

Reiki and Sound. I am so grateful to all of you who share the good vibrations with me.

May you walk in beauty.

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